Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Courtesy of Pinterest

Disclaimer: This picture has absolutely nothing to do with my post. It's super cool and I love the colors, so it's in. =]

It's amazing how time gets away from you when you're not feeling very good. It's amazing how time gets away from you even when you are feeling good. I've just entered my 14th week of pregnancy (AWOOHOO!) and my energy is coming back and my gag reflex is not rearing its ugly head quite as badly. Have I shared too much? We're all friends here, right? With new energy comes tackling the multitude of projects around our house. As promised, I'm including just a few things on my To-Do list for the beginning of 2012. 

  • Have you read "Organized Simplicity" by Tsh Oxenreider? It is brilliant! I'd like to go through her step-by-step and room-by-room plan for cleaning and organizing. It's exciting to even think about that level of clean happening! Chills!
  • De-clutter! I need to clean out the room that will belong to our beloved offspring come July and start going through boxes out in the garage to get rid of the clutter I know is hanging around. You know how you can just sense its presence sometimes? Come out, come out, clutter! That's where I'm at.
  • Researching baby furniture and baby items and finally making those purchases. Oh my goodness, this seems like an impossible task sometimes. Thankfully, the book "Baby Bargains" by Denise & Alan Fields has been a huge help to me and Mr. N. in taming the crazy.
  • Helping our front yard. Let's just say that the term "curb appeal" can't be applied to our front yard right now. It's not horrible, but it's a product of the previous owners tastes (and my neglect) and doesn't possess the charm that I really wish for our house, mostly because I haven't figured out what to plant and what to rip out yet. 
  • Planning our back yard. We had a great little garden growing last year, and we'd like to make it even bigger this year! I'm hoping to also get a lot of other plants established this year and some of the weird stuff back there ripped out to make room for the new. Plus, we'd like to have our un-traditional baby shower in the back yard, so even more incentive to get it together. 
Now, these are just a few on my list, so keep that in mind. There are lots of other personal goals, lots more things to do revolving around the baby, and the like. It's a process, but it's good to have goals. Hope that you've been able to tackle a few things on your lists so far and that you're cutting yourself some slack if they're not being completed as quickly as you'd hoped. That's the hardest part. Be kind to yourself and go forth and check things off of your lists!  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It's hard to believe that it's already 2012! Anyone else having a hard time remembering to write the new year on checks or any other document? You are not alone. I can't say I'm one for setting the typical "resolutions", however, this year will bring with it some BIG changes, so Mr. N. and I are setting our goals accordingly. 

Oh yes, WE ARE PREGNANT! I am in my 10th week and we are beyond thankful. On Thanksgiving day we went in bright and early for a blood test and three grueling hours later, while we were in the car on the way to my in-law's house, we got the call that there is a baby on the way. Yes, we pulled off the road in a safe and non-scary way. Yes, we cried. Yes, we thanked God and have continued to thank Him every day. We know that not every first procedure works, so we feel extra blessed. All of this to say, this year is going to be crazy different for us. 

So, in choosing what I'd like to accomplish this year it's very much like a parfait.....lots of layers. Mr. N. and I are still working on meshing our goals for the year, but right now it's including a lot of prep work and getting the house ready for a tiny human this July/August. I'm ready for spring cleaning like never before and am looking forward to my nausea subsiding so that I can dive in a little more forcefully to such projects. But all in good time. Once I have a more comprehensive list to share I will do so. 

Hope that you all are enjoying the new year so far!